
Deli: Deli Salad

Tori: Meatball With Brown Sauce, Creamy Potatoes, Carrots and Broccoli

Grill: Chicken Wings and French Fries

Vege: Vegetarian Wok With Soy

Soppa & Kulho: Pea Soup and Pancake

Dessert: Cookie Assortment


Deli: Deli Salad

Tori: Chinese Braised Pork Belly (hong chao rou),

Roasted China Cabbage and Jasmin Rice

Grill: Hamburger and French Fries

Vege: Palak Paneer With Basmati Rice

Soppa & Kulho: Pureed Vegetable Soup

Dessert: Mango Passion Mousse

L = Laktoositon, M = Maidoton, G = Gluteeniton, MU = Kananmunaton, = Sydänmerkki, LU = Luomu = Hiilijalanjälki

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