Restaurant Metso

Rauhalanpuisto 9, Espoo



Tori: Gochujang Chicken, Jasmin Rice, Pickled Daikon and Vegetables

Grill: Pork Tenderloin, Roasted Root Veggies, Spelt and Bearnaise Sauce

Vege: Beetroot Raviolis and Blue Cheese Sauce

Soppa & Kulho: Carrot Soup

Dessert: Cookie Assortment


Tori: Fish in Crab Sauce, Potatoes and Roasted Carrots and Fennel

Grill: Kebab with Tomato Sauce, Rice, Yoghurt Sauce and Marinated Cabbage

Vege: Pea Patties, Parsley Barley and Vegan Yoghurt Sauce

Soppa & Kulho: Filipino Mami Soup Bar

Dessert: Berry Fool


Tori: Lasagne, Fried Zucchini, Peppers and Cherry Tomatoes

Grill: Grilled Chicken with Tomato-BBQ Sauce and Wild Rice

Vege: Vegetarian Cabbage Rolls and Root Mash

Soppa & Kulho: Pea Soup

Dessert: Pancake & Jam

FRIDAY 14.03

Tori: Meatballs, Creamed Potatoes, Brown Sauce, Roasted Cauliflower and Broccoli

Grill: Fried Rice Nasi Goreng with Chicken

Vege: Palak Paneer and Basmati Rice

Soppa & Kulho: Mushroom Soup

Dessert: Fruits



L = Laktoositon, M = Maidoton, G = Gluteeniton, MU = Kananmunaton, = Sydänmerkki, LU = Luomu = Hiilijalanjälki

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